Women in Big Data - Podcast: Career, Big Data & Analytics Insights
We connect, engage, and grow Women in Big Data by unlocking the Career, Big Data, and Analytics know-how of industry experts & thought leaders. Discover Career insights and what you can do with Big Data and Analytics to create a better future for everyone: organizations, societies, and individuals.
Women in Big Data - Podcast: Career, Big Data & Analytics Insights
10. The Value of Data for Organizations - A Talk With Lieve Lanoye & Paola Masuzzo (TP Vision)
Listen, and get insights into the Value of Data for Organizations in this talk with Lieve Lanoye, Team Leader Market Intro & Big Data Team, and Paola Masuzzo, Lead Data Scientist at TP Vision . We talk about when and why TP Vision started with their data program; measuring data value; how data can help your organization move forward; the biggest threats to data value and how to handle those; and we give you some resource recommendations to learn more about the value of data.
Guest Info
- LinkedIn: Lieve Lanoye
- LinkedIn: Paola Masuzzo
- Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities (Thomas Davenport)
- Newsletter: Data Products - Discussing Data Product Development, Semantic Layers, Data APIs, and Modern Data Modelling (Chad Sanderson)
- Storytelling with Data (Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic)
- The 6 most common types of bias when working with data (The Metabase Team)
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
Mentoring Program - Women in Big Data
Mentoring is essential to success at every stage of a women’s career, both as a mentee and mentor. The many WiBD mentoring programs are open to WiBD members and cover opportunities for junior, mid-career, and senior women in technology. Not yet a member? No worries. By joining a mentoring program, you automatically become a WiBD member. Both membership and mentoring are free of charge.
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